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Configuring the SDK

The Embrace.Options object used to initialize your Embrace client is the configuration object for the SDK. It allows you to customize Embrace's behavior in the SDK. Many of these arguments are optional and are not required to get your app up and running.

Setup Options

Here is a convenience initializer of the Embrace.Options object from the recommended EmbraceIO product:

appId: "Your App ID",
appGroupId: "Your App Group ID",
platform: .default,
endpoints: Embrace.Endpoints(
baseURL: "baseURLString",
developmentBaseURL: "developmentBaseURLString",
configBaseURL: "configBaseURLString"
logLevel: .default,
export: OpenTelemetryExport(
spanExporter: JaegerSpanExporter(
serviceName: "jaegerServiceName",
collectorAddress: "jaegerCollectorAddress"

The setup arguments here are:

  • appId: the App ID for your Embrace application. This is the only required field. This can be found in your dashboard.
  • appGroudId: the ID for the Apple App Group that your app belongs to, if any.
  • platform: the mobile platform that the current application is running in. .default points to iOS, but there are also options for Unity, ReactNative, and Flutter.
  • endpoints: the Embrace.Endpoints object that configure the endpoints the SDK can use to upload data and fetch remote configurations.
  • logLevel: the level of severity for Xcode console logs. Set to .none to turn off console logging.
  • export: an OpenTelemetryExport object that can export logs and traces to the backend of your choice.

Additional arguments from the core Embrace.Options initializer may add flexibility with additional configuration for:

  • captureServices: out-of-the-box CaptureServices that automatically capture the mobile events that Embrace's SDK sends to the backend, like networking and memory warnings. You can extend the base CaptureService for new services that fit your use-case.
  • crashReporter: by default, an EmbraceCrashReporter.

Configuring the SDK without the Embrace dashboard

Versions 6.5 and higher of the Embrace Apple SDK allow developers to use the SDK without connecting to Embrace. You can initialize the SDK without an appId argument if you are using an exporter to send your mobile telemetry to a different source.

One version of this intializer only requires that you set up the exporter to your desired destination:

export: .init(
spanExporter: OtlpHttpTraceExporter(
//...set up the destination for your exported spans

Additionally, you can set up different capabilities in the SDK to replace the configuration that Embrace offers locally and remotely:

export: .init(
spanExporter: OtlpHttpTraceExporter(
//...set up the destination for your exported spans
captureServices: .automatic,
crashReporter: nil,
runtimeConfiguration: MyConfigurable()

Reminder that with this setup, the SDK does not connect to the Embrace backend, and so it does not receive the remote configuration options that an Embrace user would get. Therefore, the runtimeConfiguration argument uses a EmbraceConfigurable object that replaces the remote configuration that the Embrace dashboard will perform. This object includes options for enabling background sessions, setting log limits, and enabling Network Span Forwarding for requests.

Building for Different Releases

Building Embrace.Options in-code allows flexibility for changing the Embrace application you're working on. When initializing the SDK, you can provide different Embrace.Options at compile time to switch build configurations:

var embraceOptions: Embrace.Options {
return .init(
appId: "Your Debug App ID",
appGroupId: nil,
logLevel: .debug
var embraceOptions: Embrace.Options {
return .init(
appId: "Your App ID",
appGroupId: nil