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Upgrade guide

Upgrading from 3.x to 4.x

The Android SDK has been updated to the latest major version. This has changes that affect all Flutter users:

  1. In your Application subclass replace Embrace.getInstance().start(this, Embrace.AppFramework.FLUTTER) with Embrace.getInstance().start(this)
  2. In your embrace-config.json file add the following:
    "sdk_config": {
"app_framework": "flutter"

If you have written additional Android code as part of your integration you may need to perform additional migrations. Please see the Android upgrade guide for further information.

Upgrading from 2.0.0 to 3.0.0

Replace the contents of your iOS AppDelegate with the new approach of initializing the Embrace SDK. If you have custom configuration or have written Swift/Obj-C code that invokes Embrace, please also follow the iOS upgrade guide.

Embrace.instance.startMoment, Embrace.instance.endMoment, and Embrace.instance.endAppStartup are all removed. Please use the Traces API instead which provides superior insights into your application's performance.

Embrace.instance.getSessionProperties is removed.

Upgrading from 1.5.0 to 2.0.0

The methods marked as deprecated in 1.5.0 have been removed from this release.

Please make sure not to have a hardcoded version of the Android SDK in the build.gradle file of your Android project. The correct way to include the Embrace Android SDK is using the emb_android_sdk like this:

buildscript {

dependencies {
classpath "io.embrace:embrace-swazzler:${findProject(':embrace_android').properties['emb_android_sdk']}"

Please refer to the Android setup guide for further information.

Upgrading from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0

Version 1.5.0 of the Embrace Flutter SDK renames some functions. This has been done to reduce confusion & increase consistency across our SDKs.

Functions that have been marked as deprecated will still work as before, but will be removed in the next major version release. Please upgrade when convenient, and get in touch if you have a use-case that isn’t supported by the new API.

Old APINew APIComments
Embrace.instance.setUserPersona Embrace.instance.addUserPersonaRenamed function for consistency
Embrace.instance.endStartupMomentEmbrace.instance.endAppStartupRenamed function for consistency
Embrace.instance.logBreadcrumbEmbrace.instance.addBreadcrumbRenamed function for consistency
Embrace.instance.logNetworkRequestEmbrace.instance.recordNetworkRequestRenamed function for consistency