Performance Auto Instrumentation
The Embrace SDK can automatically instrument key workflows as the app goes through its operational lifecycle. The instrumentation generates traces (root span and child spans) similar to the spans that are created when using the Performance Tracing API. They will appear in the Embrace UI and be exported via the configured SpanExporter
just like any other span.
These traces can be augmented with additional attributes and child spans, as well as configured in other ways.
App Startup
Both cold and warm app startups will generate traces that track the time between when the app is launched in the foreground and when the designated Activity shows up on screen. Depending on which Android version the app is running on, the end time of the trace and what child spans and metadata on the root span that will be recorded may differ.
Cold startups generate a trace with a root span called emb-cold-time-to-initial-display
. On modern versions of Android, this trace begins when we can best estimate when the process is created for use by the app instance. It will end when the first frame of the designated Activity has been fully rendered.
On Android version 6.x or earlier, the trace will start when the Embrace SDK starts, which is recommended to be the first line of the onCreate()
method of the app's Application
Warm startups generate a trace with a root span called emb-warm-time-to-initial-display
. This trace begins at our estimate of when the designated Activity creation begins. It will end when the first frame of the designated Activity has been fully rendered.
For Android version 9 or earlier, both types of app startup traces will end when the designated Activity reaches the RESUMED
state of its lifecycle.
App startup traces can be augmented in the following ways to add additional data particular to your app:
- Custom attributes
- Custom child spans
- Application object creation completion
- Ignore splash or trampoline Activities on startup
Note: Be mindful of when these customization methods are invoked. Doing so on a background thread or at a time when it is not certain whether app startup has completed may result in the customization not being recorded.
Custom attributes
Custom span attributes can be added to the root span of the trace by using the addStartupTraceAttribute()
method before startup has completed.
Custom child spans
Custom child spans can be added to the root span of the trace during app startup by using the addStartupTraceAttribute()
method. Parameters for the name, start time, and end time must be specified, while optional parameters for attributes, span events, and error code may also be specified to further customize the span.
To ensure the timestamps of the custom spans are in sync with the timestamps of the other spans in the trace, use the getSdkCurrentTimeMs()
method to obtain it from the same clock instance the SDK uses. This instance is locked after the SDK starts up and will not change even if the system clock changes.
Application object create completion notification
It's difficult for the SDK to programmatically determine precisely when the app's application object has been created, but it's easy to do so for the app itself (i.e. it's when the Application.onCreate()
method finishes.
As such, the applicationInitEnd()
method can be used to notify the SDK when this happens, which will allow it to more accurately assess whether an app startup is cold or warm.
Bypassing interstitial activities during app startup
For any interstitial Activities that are opened before the actual Activity whose load completes the launch of the app, annotate them with the @StartupActivity
annotation so that they will be skipped for the purposes of app startup tracking.
Code Example
The following sample Application
will add a custom span and attribute to the app startup trace. It will also inform the SDK of when the application object has finished being created.
- Kotlin
class SampleApplication(private val nativeLibName: String) : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
val embrace = Embrace.getInstance()
val libLoadStart = embrace.getSdkCurrentTimeMs()
try {
val libLoadEnd = embrace.getSdkCurrentTimeMs()
name = "native-lib-loaded",
startTimeMs = libLoadStart,
endTimeMs = libLoadEnd,
embrace.addStartupTraceAttribute("loaded_native_lib_name", nativeLibName)
} catch (t: Throwable) {
val libLoadFailed = embrace.getSdkCurrentTimeMs()
name = "native-lib-load-failed",
startTimeMs = libLoadStart,
endTimeMs = libLoadFailed,
attributes = mapOf("failed_native_lib_name" to nativeLibName),
events = listOf(),
errorCode = ErrorCode.FAILURE
Activity Load
When an Activity is brought into view, its loading workflow will be appropriately traced.
For loads where the Activity object has to be created, a trace with a root span named emb-{Activity Name}-cold-time-to-initial-display
will be generated, where {Activity Name}
is the fully-qualified class name of the Activity that was loaded. This generally happens when you navigate from one Activity to another while the app is in the foreground.
This trace begins at our best estimate of when Activity creation begins. It ends at our best estimate of when the Activity has reached the RESUMED
stage of its lifecycle.
For loads where the Activity object has already been created, a trace with a root span named emb-{Activity Name}-hot-time-to-initial-display
will be generated, where {Activity Name}
is the fully-qualified class name of the Activity that was loaded. This generally happens when an already launched app gets foregrounded.
This trace begins at our best estimate of when Activity begins to enter the STARTED
stage of its lifecycle. It ends at our best estimate of when the Activity has reached the RESUMED
stage of its lifecycle.
Note: navigation using Jetpack Compose Navigation component should also generate a "hot" Activity Load trace.
Activity Load traces can be augmented in the following ways to add additional data particular to your app:
- Custom end event
- Custom attributes
- Custom child spans
- Configure Activities to be instrumented
Note: Be mindful of when these customization methods are invoked. Doing so on a background thread or at a time when it is not certain whether the Activity load has completed may result in the customization not being recorded.
Custom end event
If you don't want to consider when the UI first loads as the end time for your Activity load traces, you can end it with manually instead by invoking the activityLoad()
method. This is useful, for instance, if you want to end the trace when reportFullyDrawn()
is reported for the Activity.
To use this configuration, annotate the Activity class with @CustomLoadTracedActivity
For Activities with this annotation, the SDK will wait for the activityLoaded()
method to be invoked with the Activity instance as its parameter. The trace is considered abandoned if the user navigates away from the Activity before this method is invoked, so ensure all code paths that lead to a successful load will call this.
Activities annotated this way will always be traced unless the entire Activity Load feature is disabled.
To prevent memory leaks, do not cache your Activity instance in a member variable that will not be cleaned up once your Activity instance is destroyed.
Custom attributes
Custom span attributes can be added to the root span of the trace by using the addLoadTraceAttribute()
method before the Activity load is completed or abandoned.
Custom child spans
Custom child spans can be added to the root span of the trace by using the addLoadTraceChildSpan()
method before the Activity load is completed or abandoned. Parameters for the name, start time, and end time must be specified, while optional parameters for attributes, span events, and error code may also be specified to customize the span.
To ensure the timestamps of the custom spans are in sync with the timestamps of the other spans in the trace, use the getSdkCurrentTimeMs()
method to obtain it from the same clock instance the SDK uses. This clock instance is locked after the SDK starts up and will not change even if the system clock changes.
Configure Activities to be instrumented
The default configuration of the SDK is to trace the loading of all Activities after app startup, cold or warm. If you do not wish to use this instrumentation, you can turn off the feature entirely in embrace-config.json
If you wish to only have the instrumentation enabled for a subset of Activities, you can do so by disabling all by default and enabling it for a select few. Alternatively, you can enable the feature for all Activities by default and then disable it for a select few.
Disabling all Activity load instrumentation
- Set the configuration property
in the sectionsdk_config.automatic_data_capture
- Set the configuration property
Explicitly enabling select Activities
- Set the configuration property
in the sectionsdk_config.ui_load_tracing_selected_only
- Annotate each Activity that you want to instrument with
- Set the configuration property
Explicitly disabling select Activities
- Annotate each Activity that you do not want to instrument with
- Annotate each Activity that you do not want to instrument with
Code Example
The following sample Activity
will add a custom span and attribute to the Activity load trace in progress. It will also inform the SDK of when the Activity has finished loading via a callback when the Activity has completed all of its onResume()
- Kotlin
class SampleActivity : ComponentActivity() {
private val embrace = Embrace.getInstance()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
embrace.addLoadTraceAttribute(this, "cold_load", "true")
override fun onPostResume() {
val cacheLoadStartTime = embrace.getSdkCurrentTimeMs()
// fetch data from local cache
val cacheLoadEndTime = embrace.getSdkCurrentTimeMs()
embrace.addLoadTraceChildSpan(this, "load-cache", cacheLoadStartTime, cacheLoadEndTime)